The Economic Security Corporation Offers Hope and Support


Our local branch of the Economic Security Corporation’s official Mission statement is “To provide comprehensive services that will instill hope and share opportunities to eliminate the conditions of poverty and help neighbors achieve self-sufficiency.” Rental and utility bill payment assistance, transportation, help in accessing insurance, medical and dental services, homelessness, job searching, childcare, and countless other services are provided by this agency that offers hope and a lifeline. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help.

Outreach from the Economic Security Corporation is available once a month (every third Friday) in the Joplin Public Library lobby from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm (come and go). Mark your calendar for Friday, August 20. You may also visit them at their Joplin location at 302 S. Joplin Avenue or call them at 417-781-0352.

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