How Helping Children with Tragic Events in the News


Courtesy Pixabay

Many of us are feeling devastated as the events from Uvalde, Texas, unfold. Those with young children need to pause to help them process all the feelings washing over them. We know we need to ground ourselves– getting outside, doing yoga, listening to music. We were even sharing our feelings of sadness and anxiety with friends, and hearing “yes, me too” can make us feel less alone. We found a video that may help you guide your child through this uncharted territory.

Those of us who love young children also need to make sure we attend to their needs. We thought this was full of essential and valuable suggestions. It can be adapted to use for older kids too. We especially like asking what kids have heard at school etc. We may find that they have a lot of fears. There are no easy answers to give them. But we know that validating their feelings and letting them know that you are here to care for them — it can all make a difference.

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