Set in a foreign land and isolated, we accompany U.S. Special Forces Sgt Jackson Eagle’s heroic journey through his enemy capture in hostile territory. Well-published author O. Gene Bicknell shares Sgt. Eagle’s victorious rise from captivity and isolation. Our American hero is injured, alone, and haunted by his father’s words. Yet, Jackson overcomes his physical pain, emotional heartbreak, and extreme isolation. This fictional novel, Hermit, illustrates the unbreakable human spirit through extremely trying times.
We can’t help but see the parallels in our lives, as we all need to be part of a community with love, support, and kindness to thrive. So, finally, we found the perfect holiday “battle buddy” read for you! We plan to read this life-changing book over the Thanksgiving break and gift it forward to a loved one to help them through dark times in their life.
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Never Fry Bacon In The Nude: And other life lessons!
Popular financial advisors and consultants recommend reading the non-fiction books of successful people to gain insight into their life perspectives and attitudes that were the key foundations of their success. Highly successful people think differently.
I Feel Sorry for God
I feel sorry for God is His creation and what disappointments he has faced and still faces from his creation and rejections of His people and how they refuse to obey and give thanks. The rejections He receives. How His patience And forgiveness and chance after chance to repent. How Awesome his forgiving and love is. Even to the End of Times.
The Personal Side of God: The Holy Spirit Speaks to a Businessman
Gene Bicknell might say that his deep abiding faith in God and his drive to know Him has been his single greatest motivator. In this his fourth book, he has written some of his most heartfelt thoughts on the Lord and how he feels about them. He hopes that his thoughts might encourage you in your “walk.”