Don’t Pay For a Job


Courtesy Pixabay

The job market is ripe with outstanding opportunities to launch a new career. Sadly not every job posting is legit. We want to help you learn how to identify a possible scam.

Recently we received a text stating that we’ve matched through an online source to a fantastic job, asking for an updated resume. Unfortunately, our resume wasn’t compatible with unclear formatting requirements. They offered an “easy” link to reformat our resume for a fee; essentially, they asked us to pay for a job. We checked with our IT Guru, and he noted the link could be harmful spyware. We hope our list can help you stay safe in this job market to avoid any tricks.

Courtesy Pixabay

Do your research:
Get the details of the company including the website, and telephone number. Call them and verify they are in fact looking for candidates.

Search the name of the company and include the words “review”, “scam”, and “complaint.” This way you can find out if others have been scammed.

Get with someone who has your best interests at stake and tell them about the offer. Don’t feel pressured into making a decision.

Don’t Pay:
Legitimate employers including the federal government and their contracting companies will not ever ask you to pay a fee to get a job, regardless of how cunning the claim is.

If you come across a job scam tell the FTC at

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